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Whether you are nurturing a new program, drafting fresh language, creating fundraising
materials, or reinvigorating your mission, EGS would be honored to help you hatch the next step.
Introductory consultations are always free.

What I Believe

Those who catalyze grassroots movements for equity, justice, and democracy do their best work when they have healthy and durable organizational homes. How do they get there? At first, dazzling rhetoric and irresistible charisma may energize the team, hook a dream funder, or charm an influential journalist.

Eventually, however, those who seek impact pursue their work based on clear plans and plausible objectives, grounded in a common analysis of the problems their communities face and the changes they want to see. Their accomplishments will speak for themselves only if key audiences grasp them.

They need:
  • inspired donors
  • passionate board members
  • nimble support teams
  • strategic partners

Elizabeth Grace Schulman
Click for Beth’s Bio
Contact Beth

How I can help

WORDS: I can help you make the case for the resources you need. We will work together to convey, in compelling narratives, what is unique about a moment, or an opportunity. I will work with you to open the door with a new funder or help you remind a perennial foundation donor of your continuing relevance (and gratitude!). I will help your board members grasp the nuances of your programs. I love coaching. I know that the people closest to the work will, with help, articulate their vision and strategies more effectively than anyone else can, no matter which stakeholders they are trying to reach. With many of my clients, my primary goal is to make myself obsolete by building internal capacity.

NUMBERS: Budgets and financial reports express our intentions and accomplishments as clearly as our proposals and reports. Each audience we approach – funders, accountants, board members — will have different questions about the numbers. Together, we will anticipate those questions and prepare the materials to answer them. I will help you produce financial documents that are clear and transparent and that inspire confidence.

TAKING STOCK AND NAMING THE CHALLENGES: Organizations thrive when they check assumptions about how their work fits in the larger landscape of advocacy and activism or, even, in the smaller domain of their immediate institutional communities. As a sympathetic outsider, I know how to discreetly collect and synthesize constructive feedback from relevant colleagues, allies, decisionmakers, media observers, or others affected by your mission. My goal is to turn these bits of commentary into recommendations or, at least, essential insights to inform next steps.


Fundraising Support

  • Foundation Relationship Development
  • Foundation Submissions and Reports
  • Correspondence, including Appeal Letters
  • Development Planning

Financial Planning

  • Budget Development
  • Reports to Boards and Funders
  • Finance Narratives
  • Managing Restricted Funds
  • Keeping the Auditors and Watchdogs Happy

Organizational Health

  • Stakeholder Assessments
  • Strategic Review
  • Critical Problem Solving

Clients, Employers and Affiliations

Institute for Policy Studies
Every Voice
Advancement Project
Project on Government Oversight
In These Times
Independent Press Association
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting
Minuteman Media
Rethinking Schools
Institute for Public Accuracy
Alternative Press Center
Congress For a Working America
Work for Wisconsin
Economic Hardship Reporting Project


"Working with Beth is always a joy. Her ability to turn numbers into compelling narratives, activist work into what sounds like deliverable projects, cold contacts into long-term donors – all reflect her ability to help social justice teams improve and empower their work. Her development skills enable a wide range of organizations and movements to move towards rapid growth and consolidation. And her infectious laugh reaches across the desks and cubicles of every office."

John Cavanagh

Executive Director
Institute for Policy Studies

"Beth Schulman is one of the most creative, effective, and dedicated persons I know in building social justice organizations. Her wide range of skills--from strategic planning to fiscal analysis, from team-building to proposal submission--make her an ideal consultant for any organization that wants to strengthen its capacity and impact."

David Riemer

Founding Board Chair
Congress For a Working America

"Beth's variety of skills, wisdom born of experience and dedication to the task at hand all worked together for our benefit at Every Voice. She strengthened our relationships with donors, managed our back-end financials to tell an accurate, positive story, and engaged her colleagues transparently, coming through for us again and again and again during her tenure. "

Nick Nyhart

Former President & CEO
Every Voice Center

"Working with Beth is the smartest thing you can do if you're looking to create and execute a development strategy that takes everything into account -- players in the field, philanthropic trends, donor interests, message. Her goal is to make herself obsolete, and she will, but you will come up with new endeavors that you'll want to collaborate on!"

Hollie Ainbinder

Director of Program and Development
Institute for Public Accuracy

"Everyone has a small group of trusted colleagues we can turn to for trusted feedback and sound advice when confronted with gnarly challenges or new opportunities. Over the years Beth has been, and continues to be, one of those for me."

Becky Glass

Managing Director
Labor Network for Sustainability

"A few years ago, Beth conducted a careful canvass of our stakeholders and media audience to inform our strategic planning process - the insights she drew from the process propelled us to explore new programs and a more balanced and responsive approach to our mission at a crucial time in our development. Throughout, Beth led this project with humor and enthusiasm. She was a real joy to work with and our organization really benefited from her thoughtfulness."

Danielle Brian

Executive Director
Project on Government Oversight

"Thank goodness Beth was with us for a few years raising foundation funding or Minuteman Media would have gone in the tank. She knows everyone and most of them have faith in her judgement."

Bill Collins

Founder and Director of Minuteman Media (Now Other Words)
Former Mayor of Norwalk, CT

"I've had the pleasure of working with Beth for several years now in my role as an outside CPA. Beth is sharp of mind and kind of soul. She is highly intelligent and possesses a clarity that allows her to focus in on the heart of a matter. Beth is skilled at all forms of communication, she has a knack for knowing the right way to communicate effectively with varied audiences. Like a universal blood donor, she finds the right fit with each. Beth is honest and not afraid to have frank conversations when needed. She does not shirk the tough tasks, rather she embraces them with a willingness to explore all available options. Beth is able to distill the essence of a given situation and communicate about it to key constituents with perspicuity, forging effective next steps and action items that enable the organization achieve its goals."

Janet McDaid



I have had the privilege of making a living in social justice advocacy for most of my adult life. I was  a co-founder and raised early funding for both Congress For a Working America in the 1980s and the Independent Press Association in the 1990s. I have led development teams for several national organizations including the Institute for Policy Studies, In These Times Magazine, Advancement Project and, most recently, Every Voice.

My eagerness to reconcile the contradictions between our society's commitment to democracy and its tolerance for rampant inequality has formed the common thread in both my staff roles and my consulting projects. I relish opportunities to bring my strengths as a writer and critical thinker to groups of people who share my passion for justice and are optimistic enough to achieve it.
Let's start a new project together.